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Experience that counts!

Talk to any team member at pkiwi and you will quickly appreciate the fact that their advice is based on years of specialist, hands-on business experience and learning.

We take time to get to know you, your products and services, your intended market audience and your unique business requirements. Then we make sure that any proposals we make are congruent with your corporate culture, 'Best Practice' and realistic market expectations.

About the team...

Believe it or not, we're quite proud to call ourselves 'Geeks', having 'been around' and involved in the world of computers since their first introduction to mainstream businesses in the 70's and 80's.

Principal consultant at is Peter Cooper, who transitioned from a professional career as an Organisation Development practitioner working with major multinational corporations to focus upon Information Technology advice and the provision of computer training solutions and productivity improvement via applications development services.

In 1994 he helped establish Speednet, one of Australia's first commercial Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and has been evangelising the benefits of the Internet and eCommerce to business, education, government, science and human knowledge ever since.

We have been designing websites & database applications and providing web-hosting and eCommerce solutions as part of our IT Consultancy & Computer Training services since 1994.